viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

A day in the life of...




He usually gets up at eight o’clock.
I get up very early at seven o’clock.
Then he puts on his uniform, he has breakfast and sometimes he reads the newspaper before going to school. He doesn’t have to walk to school because he goes by school bus at half past eight.
I put on the uniform, I sometimes have breakfast. I go to school by bicycle, car or walking.
Lessons start at 9 o’clock in the morning, and he has to be at school before 8.45. There are four lessons in the morning, two before the morning break and two after the break. The morning break is from 10.20 to 10.50. Lunch is at 12.30. He doesn’t have to buy lunch in the canteen. There’s a shop next to the gym and it sells sandwiches and snacks. Then lessons start at 1.30 and finish at 4 o’clock.
Lessons start at 7.30 in the morning, and I have to be at school before 7.30. There are five lessons in the morning, two before the first break and one after break, but I have a second break at 11.40 to 11.55. After that there are two lessons until 1.10 and then I finish school. In the afternoon there aren’t any lessons but I usually practise sports.

On Wednesday he has the following subjects:
9.00- 9.45:   French
9.50- 10.20: Music
10.20- 10.50: Morning break
10.50- 11.30: Geography
11.30- 12.25: Physics
12.30-   1.30: Lunch break
1.30-   2.15: Art and Design
2.20-   3.10: Spanish
3.15-   4.00: Math

On Wednesday I have the following subjects:
7.30- 8.50: Economy
8.50- 10.05: Chemistry
10.10-10.30: First morning break
10.30 -11.40: Information and Communication Technology
11.40-11.55: Second morning break
12.00-12.30: Math
12.30-1.10: English
After 4 pm he plays football until 5:15 pm. Then he goes back home, he takes a bath and plays computer games with his brother. At 7.30 pm he has dinner with his family; they talk about their day while they watch TV. After that he does his homework, which is very boring for him! Then he goes to bed at ten o’clock.
I finish school at 1.10, I go back home. I have lunch with my family, I talk to them about school, and I have a rest in the afternoon. I study and do my homework at 5.30. Then I have tea and I practise sports  and I take a bath. My mother prepares dinner and sometimes I help her. Then  I go to bed very late.

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